Benefits of Digital X-Rays:
- Safer – nearly 80% less radiation than a traditional x-ray film.
- Saves time – instant image capture.
- Eco-friendly – no more messy chemicals, no unnecessary trash.

Our drills are quieter and faster, and more comfortable for our patients! Why? There are basically two types of handpieces (or “drills” as they are often called): air-driven and electric. We use the finest Electric handpieces here, made in Switzerland. Electric handpieces are much stronger than air-driven due to the fact that a motor is spinning the bur as opposed to air. This allows the doctor to repair cavities and prepare crowns at a much faster, smoother pace. Patients love this!
The procedure for placement of a E4D restoration is very simple. The first step is to clean and shape the tooth in preparation to take a digital picture. After this image is captured, the tooth will appear on a computer screen in 3D. This will allow the doctor to design the restoration right in front of you. Once the design is completed, the E4D DESIGN CENTER will mill the restoration. This step takes approximately 15 minutes. You can actually watch as your new restoration is being milled! Finally, we will custom stain and glaze your restoration for a beautiful and natural appearance, and place it in!